Our news

SC GRANDEMAR SA performs, as of 05/05/2014, the "SC GRANDEMAR SA economic competitiveness through the acquisition of modern equipment" Project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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Partnerships and affiliations

GrandemarGrandemar is a founder member of Professional Association of Mineral Aggregates Producers (A.P.P.A.). This association was created in 2004 and it is a member of U.E.P.G. "Union Européenne des Producteurs de Granulats" (European Aggregates Association) with the office in Brussels. The purpose of the association is to promote amongst the producers in Romania the experience and studies of the same companies in the European Union. Following the example of U.E.P.G., the association activity is structured on four sections:
- Health and Safety at Work
- Environmental Protection
- Techniques and Quality Standards
- Economical Section

Fiscal Information

Company Name:
Head Office:
Cluj-Napoca, 5 Ţebei Street, Cluj County
Trade Register Number:
VAT Registration Code:
RO 200947
Share Subscribed Capital:
6.978.749,90 RON
Share Paid-in Capital:
6.978.749,90 RON

Bologa Henţ Quarry

Useful minerals exploited: Andesite

Products for BOLOGA HENT, CLUJ County
ProductSort, mmDeclaration of Performance
ROUGH AGGREGATE FOR RIPRAPS 0-360 mm AGA- CP 90/250-BH (natural)
LIGHT AGGREGATE FOR RIPRAPS 0-450 kg AUA-LMA 15/300- BH(natural)
HEAVY AGGREGATE FOR RIPRAPS 200-1500 kg AGRA -HMA 300/1000-BH (natural)

Certifications and authorizations BOLOGA HENT quarry

Product Images

Aggregate for ripraps

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